Monday, May 25, 2015

White Trash Hot Tub

We had been looking to put in a hot tub upstate because our pond being spring fed is just far too cold to swim.  However, the maintenance on hot tubs is a pain and then there is the cost. I went online to look for alternative options. I came across any number of solutions, so we combined some ideas and came up with a truly inexpensive but not so glamorous solution.  We went to Tractor Supply and bought a Rubbermaid cattle trough - $150.00 .  It is smallish but accommodates two people.  We fill it with water and then bought a couple trough heaters and put them in a galvanized metal bucket that we set in the tub water.  We set it out for the day and after a long exhausting day of working in the garden - by 4 in the afternoon , the water is hot and with a couple cocktails absolute perfection.  We take out the trough heaters and hop in and enjoy a sunset or a late evening watching the stars come out.  The tub has a removable spigot and we drain the water back into the yard.  You can build a deck around the tub and make it more attractive but we like the portability of the tub and put it back in the basement when not in use.  Although unconventional and bordering on white trash - it was perfect for this weekend.

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