Monday, June 4, 2012

Lego Piano

Tim's oldest nephew's Senior Piano Recital was on Saturday and the entire family went to hear him play.  He did an incredible job.  He is so talented.  Not only is he going to go to MIT on scholarships and major in engineering and physics, but he is also going to continue to play piano which I am really happy about.  He is also a very talented painter - this kid can do anything.  He and his brother are also big Lego freaks.  For his gift to his recital teacher, he made her a mini Lego  grand piano that plays.  Incredible!


  1. Would you be interested in making one for me and if so how much would you charge?

  2. can you do a tutorial please.
    i love it.
    that is the bes piano that i ever seen.

  3. Juan, I didn't make it - my nephew did. I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to construct. I think it was a kit that he bought and made for his piano teacher for his recital.

  4. Please oh please oh please find out what lego set made that. I've always wanted a lego piano and I have searched hours for a piano set, but haven't found anything.
