Monday, August 22, 2011

Great Weekend!

Two of our friends, N and B, took friday off along with Tim and myself and we drove up from the city together.  This allowed us to have an extra long evening for cocktails under the stars and Cha Cha Hut BBQ for dinner. As we sat chatting and laughing at the dining room table - we couldn't decide what BBQ sauce was hotter  ….Thundernagi or the Facemelter?

Saturday morning, we drove over to Round Barn and shopped for goodies… sampling chocolate covered bacon - not so tasty but the Chocolate mashed potatoes were interesting.  Then, we drove to Delhi to check out a couple antique stores and had lunch at our friend Stephanie's place, Blue Bee Cafe.  Saturday afternoon, N and B were incredible help in the garden, harvesting all of our onions, potatoes, picking tomatoes, zucchini and blackberries.  Then, B spent an hour weeding - he is hired!  N and B had brought this incredible mix of cheeses and appetizers and we sat on the deck oohing and ahhing over the aps with cocktails..  For dinner, we grilled peppercorn crusted steaks with grilled red onions and Tim made a salsa verde to pour over the steak along with corn on the cob and grilled zucchini with a lemon and scallion marinade.  We sat out until it got too chilly and then came inside, watched movies and had homemade ice cream sandwiches for dessert. N was a little tasmanian devil cleaning up behind everyone.  Have to love that!  

Sunday, we had quiche and cherry scones from Amy's Bakery on 9th Ave for breakfast .  We went for a hike and then N and B drove back to the city.  Tim and I took a long walk down HWY 6 enjoying the scenery with a couple cocktails.  Our new hardy hibiscus shrubs which we just planted this year bloomed and are beautiful.  We got back just in time for the rainstorms to start.  Leftovers for dinner and old episodes of Soap from the 70's.  It was a great weekend, Thanks N and B for being such wonderful guests - you are welcome anytime!

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