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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Cooking, gardening and tadpoles

We were really looking forward to this weekend. We haven't been upstate for 3 weeks. With work and a vacation trip - even lying on an exotic beach in the sun with cocktails - all I could think about was Bovina and the house and garden and getting the summer started. I would probably have been much better just vacationing in Bovina but Tim thought we really needed a week with exotic cocktails and tanlines.

By the time, Tim and I got up to the house and unpacked and changed into sweats and made cocktails and turned on the tv and collapsed on the sofa - we were exhausted - I just wanted to curl up next to Tim and pass out. All I could think about was that we were finally back in our house - I felt so complete and safe.

We worked all day in the garden. Tim hauled rock for the new vegetable bed. I hauled dirt from the pile of soil we had delivered this week. I also poured concrete for the birdhouse pole in the center of the bed. We worked on the garden and then moved onto other projects. I installed the brackets onto the kitchen island and hung sconces and hauled up furniture from the basement.

We planted seeds for the garden - asparagus, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, shasta daisy, hollyhock, and lots of other seeds. We both can't wait to get the garden going. Already, we had bee balm, scotch thistle, lenten rose and lots of other perennials coming up.

Tim was wiped out from hauling rock but he pulled off an amazing meal Saturday night. Tim whipped out the April issue of Martha Stewart Everyday Food mag and we had barbecued shrimp, sauteed zucchini with lemon, and a raspberry custard for desert. It was amazing and we both passed out in front of the tv on Saturday night before 8:00 - just exhausted.

We watched several movies - Blow-Up, Astro Boy, September Issue and Friday the 13th Part 3 in 3D (Tim's netflix list).

When we inspected the pond, there were frog eggs and tadpoles everywhere. I know nothing about frog birthing - but that's a lot of tadpoles! I drank coffee and watched two ducks that have adopted the pond swimming early sunday morning before Tim was out of bed.

It was just a great weekend and we both felt so grateful and refreshed.

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