Thursday, July 29, 2010

Skunks, Stings and Salves

Tim and I had to divide and conquer this weekend. Both of us had family obligations - either entertaining incoming siblings or getting ready for incoming parental units. Tim didn't trust me being by myself and recommended that I invite my friend D to babysit me. I will admit I am not to be trusted by myself - I have a horrible habit of falling off ladders, 2 x 4's falling on my head or dropping rocks on my legs - call me graceful. So, I invited a couple friends for the weekend to help me get the house ready and keep me from killing myself.

D and C are great co-workers and friends and we had a great time. Shopping, cooking, ranting about co-workers and laughing about it was a pleasant release. We had a lot of fun. Plus, they were amazing about helping me pull the house together for my parent's visit.

I was enjoying the company but feeling guilty any time they lifted a finger to help. I wanted them to really enjoy themselves and the weekend to be perfect for them. Unfortunately, nature was working against me. Saturday night, as we were preparing for bed, a skunk sprayed right outside of their window. We had a window fan in their room that was drawing the smell into the house. We used a couple of fans, candles and Febreeze - but it took forever to get the smell out of their room. I felt so bad for them but sleeping with me in my bed was not an option. They are good friends but they are also co-workers. I do have some boundaries.

Sunday morning, C came out to help me pick vegetables and I didn't realize that there was a bee's nest in one of the garden beds. As I picked green beans and handed them to C, I must have startled them and they swarmed and stung C in the face. I was so upset and felt sorry for her. D came to our rescue with this makeup that has some bizarre healing properties that made the swelling and discoloration go away. D is so good for things like that.

Whew, now I just have a months visit with my parents - that should be nothing compared to animals attacking us all weekend.

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