Sunday, July 11, 2010

Burning Down The House Or A Tree Or Random Children...

July Fourth! After being bushwhacked all day, we decided it would be a nice treat to take Tim's parents to a local Bovina tradition. One of our neighbors throws a huge pot luck dinner and fireworks party at her farm every year. It can be a lot of fun and a huge crowd turns out for the event. Now, some years are better then others - this was not one of them. Bovina is a charming town, however this event can open the floodgates for every wanna-be bohemian, nauseating realtor and bad parent. Not to mention a horde of unsupervised children who are allowed to be themselves and annoy the rest of us hard working, well-mannered, respectful, property owning wanna-be locals. Everyone brings food and sits on picnic blankets overlooking a stream where more lovely unsupervised children cavort. You have to arrive early to get a good spot for the fireworks show. The food is great and with good company it can be a lot of fun, but waiting for sundown can seem endless.

Once dinner and dessert are gone, you have hours to chat and watch bad behavior. Endless unsupervised children shooting fireworks into the crowd and woods - starting a tree on fire which led to the overly ambitious fire brigade putting the fire out. Creatively challenged and even more creatively dressed beautiful young things everywhere. The entire scene reminded me of horrible evenings at Pastis or the Ganzevoort Hotel.

Our neighbors, M and M, at some point asked - why were we all there and who WERE all these people? It was quite a scene. Finally, the fireworks started. It was really an amazing pyrotechnic show and despite the occasional loose cinder burning a hole into your Etro shirt - the half hour of child-like wonder and nostalgia was worth all of the insanity. When the last cracker fired - we gathered up our blankets and baskets, empty wine bottles and left over tupperware and walked back to our cars and drove home. We may not attend this party again but July Fourth is slowly becoming one of my favorite holidays as a result of living in this small community. Happy Fourth!

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