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Monday, May 3, 2010

Le Creuset

It's my birthday this week and I am at a certain age where I need to treat myself to get through these more advanced senior years. I turn 48. I get no kick from clothes, spa treatments or jewelry - however, I can walk into Williams-Sonoma and my heart just goes pitter pat.

I collect red Le Creuset and I went onto the Williams-Sonoma website to purchase a five quart braisier to compensate for the birthday. I was sitting at my desk and one of my assistants entered my office and noticed the braisier on my computer screen. She said, "Oh how pretty" and inquired as to the price of the casserole dish. I showed her the cost and she gasped - "I could buy a pair of Prada flats for that." I responded, "My casserole dish will be around a lot longer when your Prada flats will have been re-soled 3-4 times." She said, "For that price you could be buried in it." I did a double take and said - "You know, that is not a bad idea."

Tim and I had been speaking about purchasing an urn for Grace's ashes. I had a brain storm. I decided how perfect it would be to be buried in my Le Creuset! I will be buried in the five quart dutch oven, Tim can be buried in the oval dutch oven because he is taller, Grace will be buried in the panini pan and my dog, Rupert, will go in the braisier. Such a great way to use expensive cookware.

I had to tell the saleswoman for Williams-Sonoma over the phone that they had a new way to market the cookware - she didn't seem amused.

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