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Monday, May 3, 2010

Firecracker Hot

It was so hot this weekend. 80 degree weather. Whew! We were working out in the yard all day on Saturday - pulling out all of the outdoor furniture, moving the picnic table, spraying terra cotta pots with acrylic spray to seal them, unloading paving stones from the back of the truck and pouring concrete paving stones. I kept ducking into the basement to cool off.

Our neighbors, M & M, who live two miles down the road, had us over for dinner. We went over around six to watch the Kentucky Derby and Tim made his sticky wings for the occasion. We were going to make mint juleps but somehow the local grocery store missed this occasion to stock up on fresh mint. Mrs M makes custom wood furniture and gave us a tour of her woodshop and showed us a beautiful sideboard on which she is working.

The dinner was amazing - grilled salmon with a great sauce, pea mash, roasted parsnips and potatoes. It was really good and then Mrs. M made a peanut butter and chocolate tart as an early birthday desert (my birthday is next weekend). We had a great time and drove home very full.

On Sunday, after chores were finished, it had gotten so hot outside that we stayed indoors all day. We read magazines and watched movies - "Sid and Nancy","2012", "Whip It", and "Where the Wild Things Are."

Tim had made two batches of wings so we had leftovers for lunch and leftover peanut butter and chocolate tart for dessert.

Sunday morning, we got a call from my mother who told us about the car bomb attempt in Times Square. The car was parked a block away from our apt. Tim is ready to sell the apartment and move to Bovina permanently. I want a life where the hardest decision that I have to make is what to cook for dinner. I think Tim is ready for that too!

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