Sunday, June 23, 2024

Lake George

We decided to go up to Lake George with my Uncle Jack and explore Lake George. My Mom and her family used to vacation up here in the 50s and 60s and I have never thought to explore it. We decided it would be a great thing to do with my Uncle Jack who lives nearby and he is from there originally. It was a gorgeous day and the boat was lovely - champagne brunch and panoramic views of the water and homes and hillsides. What a beautiful place. We had no idea how gorgeous it was. We spent a couple hours touring the lake on the brunch cruise which initially seemed weird but it was actually quite nice. After the lovely boat ride, brunch and tour we went for a drive and let Jack reminisce about his childhood living there most of his life. We definitely loved it and will be coming back real soon. My Mom would love that we were here.

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