Saturday, May 9, 2020

Birthdays During Covid

May is a big birthday month for the Mickel family. So many birthdays, so many Tauruses.  So much stubbornness!  It was a nail-biting day trying to get dinner, liquor, presents, cake all delivered to Tim's mother.  Even though everything had been pre-ordered - service during Covid isn't what it should be.  We had no idea what was going to make it or not.  However, everything did and by the time we all got together to do Zoom and sing Happy Birthday, Tim's parents were well past the margheritas we had ordered for them.  They were ready for a nap and we were ready to celebrate.  I love Zoom - we sang Happy Birthday and got to do a nice family visit.

Basement Conversion

During all this time, we are working on converting the basement.  We are making one large room in the front of the basement and we have so much to do.  We have so much of my Mom's stuff and family's stuff - we don't need to buy anything. We just need to put walls up and decide what to do with the floor - tile or just staining and sealing?  It will be a great space eventually but it's going to be a long and detailed project.

Snow in May

This is the strangest of years.  2 months in Covid quarantine and we just manage to get through working virtually and doing home projects. I am focusing on the basement remodel and clean up during all of this. It was a gorgeous morning and afternoon on Friday and Tim and I took the day off. Tim baked all day and I worked in the basement reorganizing and putting up walls . I hurt so bad right now from my head to my toes.  However, it's going to be worth it when all is said and done. However, it snowed all afternoon late on Friday which apparently was a historic record. Not because of the amount of snow but just because it is snowing - period. We had put the tarp up on the pergola and some outdoor furniture out but not everything so it was okay.  I just want to be outside right now and we need to set up the pool for summer. It's going to be a strange year.